No matter how much we grow or how many years we have been in business there is one thing that remains of the utmost importance…Our Story and Our Culture.
The GMR story began many years ago when our Founder, Glade Michael “Mike” Ross (AKA “GMR”) put his faith and trust in God to provide for the needs of his family. Mike spent his early career in law enforcement, the fire service, and a whole range of public safety and ministry disciplines. In 1985 Mike moved from the Public Safety Sector to the Banking Security Sector. Over the next six years, Mike truly thrived and progressed in his Banking Security career.
In 1991 Mike left the Bank to come alongside one of his longtime friends who operated a small fire protection equipment company. Within a few months, his friend’s business went bankrupt. Suddenly, Mike was without a job. He had a wife and three kids to take care of, the oldest of whom was about to go to college. Then, something truly amazing took place, it was almost as normal as breathing. Mike knew that God was in Control and was working it out. Before he knew what was happening, he found himself not looking for a job, but creating a job – GMR Protection Resources was born. There was no plan, no money set aside to do it, and no investment capital, but a clear Vision to begin this journey of being more than just another vendor to those we serve.
For three decades now we have been in business. God has used the story of GMR the man as the foundation for the story of GMR the business. We are a family and friends’ company in the best kind of way. Our connections with one another create a unique accountability and passion in how we go about our work building relationships.
We have grown steadily – One customer at a time, one new service line at a time, and one new sector at a time. We are mindful always of maintaining and improving our ability to provide the kind of quality work our customers are paying for, deserve, and need to make them successful. It is our goal to make our clients jobs simpler.
It is our Christian principled foundation that has brought us thus far in our journey and continues to guide our culture. We have FAITH in God and one another. We commit to operating with INTEGRITY and by the law. We believe in going about our work to the best of our abilities and providing the best QUALITY of service and product.
By remembering where we came from and treasuring a good name above great riches, we believe there is so much more in store for our business. We consider it a privilege to serve our clients and look forward to seeing more of the GMR story unfold in years to come…